Death Race 2000 (1975)
poster Death Race 2000
6.2/10 (21719 Stimmen)

Originaltitel:Frankensteins Todesrennen

Land:Vereinigte Staaten, 80 Minuten


Genre(s):Action, Science-Fiction, Komödie, Sport,

Regisseur:Paul Bartel


Nummer: 1070

In der Zukunft gibt es nur noch ein wichtiges Sportereignis: Ein mörderisches Rennen quer durch die USA, bei dem der Fahrer gewinnt, der die meisten Fußgänger überfährt. Die beiden Favoriten sind der mysteriöse Frankenstein und sein größter Widersacher, der impulsive Machine Gun Joe Viterbo . Während das Rennen die ersten Opfer fordert, formiert sich eine Widerstandsgruppe gegen die blutige Veranstaltung. Sie lauern den Fahrern auf und führen sie in tödliche Fallen. Der Wettstreit wird zu einem gnadenlosen Kampf, denn bald werden die Saboteure in den eigenen Reihen vermutet.


photo David Carradine
David Carradine This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Simone Griffeth
Simone Griffeth This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Mary Woronov
Mary Woronov This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Roberta Collins
Roberta Collins This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Martin Kove
Martin Kove This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Louisa Moritz
Louisa Moritz This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Don Steele
Don Steele This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Joyce Jameson
Joyce Jameson This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.
photo Harriet Medin
Harriet Medin This film received one of the ultimate compliments: they made it into a pinball machine (a good one, too) and it's probably one of two subjects Sylvester Stallone wishes would go away! Fred Grandy is probably glad his role isn't as prominent. Actually, as a movie, it's pretty decent. I enjoyed it myself. Mary Woronov did a great job and most of the other leads are good as well. Stop the proceedings, Oscars for everyone! Worth watching.

Medium: Unbekannt,

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Seitenformat: 1.85:1