Der Unsichtbare kehrt zurück (1940)
poster Der Unsichtbare kehrt zurück
6.5/10 (2551 Stimmen)

Originaltitel:The Invisible Man Returns (Originaltitel)

Land:Vereinigte Staaten, 81 Minuten


Genre(s):Thriller, Horror, Drama, Science-Fiction, Mystery,

Regisseur:Joe May


Nummer: 1072

Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe wird zu Unrecht des Mordes an seinem Bruder Michael verurteilt. Dr. Frank Griffin, der Bruder von Dr. Jack Griffin – Entwickler des Unsichtbarkeitsserums und der erste Unsichtbare – hat in der Gefängniszelle die kurze Gelegenheit, Radcliffe das Serum zu injizieren. Daraufhin wird Radcliffe kurz vor der anstehenden Hinrichtung unsichtbar und kann aus dem Gefängnis fliehen. Die Polizisten glauben ob des Verschwindens an Spuk oder Spiritismus, während der Scotland-Yard-Beamte Inspektor Sampson, der sich an den Fall Jahre zuvor erinnert, als erster die Wahrheit erkennt und die Ermittlungen aufnimmt. Gleichzeitig macht sich Radcliffe, Inhaber eines Kohlebergwerks, auf die Suche nach dem wahren Mörder, sich dabei seine Unsichtbarkeit zunutze machend. Erkennbar wird aber auch, dass das Unsichtbarkeitsserum schwere Nebenwirkungen hat, so zeigt Radcliffe zunehmend Anzeichen von Größenwahn und Rachegelüsten. Dr. Griffin bemüht sich derweil erfolglos, ein Gegenmittel zum Unsichtbarkeitsserum zu entwickeln. Radcliffe findet schließlich heraus, dass sein Cousin Richard Cobb der Mörder ist. Cobb konnte es so aussehen lassen, dass Radcliffe den Mord begangen habe. Radcliffe kann Cobb zur Rede stellen, und im Bergwerk kommt es zu einem Kampf, in dessen Verlauf Cobb tödlich verletzt wird. Kurz vor seinem Tod gesteht Cobb, den Mord begangen zu haben. Auch Radcliffe wird während des Kampfes durch eine Schusswunde lebensgefährlich verletzt. Aufgrund des hohen Blutverlustes erhält er eine Bluttransfusion, Dr. Griffin sieht jedoch wegen Radcliffes Unsichtbarkeit keine Möglichkeit einer Operation. Die Entscheidung, das möglicherweise tödliche Gegenmittel doch noch einzusetzen, wird ihm dadurch abgenommen, dass Radcliffe überraschend doch noch sichtbar wird – das zuvor übertragene Blut wirkte als Gegenmittel. Dr. Griffin kann somit die lebensrettende Operation durchführen.


photo Cedric Hardwicke
Cedric Hardwicke MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Vincent Price
Vincent Price MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Nan Grey
Nan Grey MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo John Sutton
John Sutton MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Cecil Kellaway
Cecil Kellaway MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Alan Napier
Alan Napier MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Forrester Harvey
Forrester Harvey MORD39 RATING: ***(of ****) THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS is a fine followup to 1933's THE INVISIBLE MAN. Vincent Price has one of his earliest horror roles as a wrongly convicted man made transparent and out on a mission to find the real culprit who murdered his brother and framed him. Nan Grey has never looked prettier and lends nice support as the woman who loves Price. Cecil Kellaway is a treat as the suspicious police inspector, and Alan Napier is fun as a detestable villain who gets what he deserves. While not as intense as the original, this film surely stands out as one of the finest sequels from Universal's golden age.
photo Jimmy Aubrey
Jimmy Aubrey
photo Billy Bevan
Billy Bevan
photo Stanley Blystone
Stanley Blystone

Medium: Unbekannt,

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 4:3