Unlocked (2017)
poster Unlocked
6.2/10 (16924 Stimmen)

Land:Tschechische Republik, 98 Minuten


Genre(s):Action, Thriller, Drama, Mystery,

Regisseur:Michael Apted


Nummer: 3451

Ein vermeintlicher Terrorist wird von der CIA festgenommen und soll anschließend verhört werden. Der Vorwurf: Angeblich hat der Gefangene ein Startsignal für eine terroristische Attacke in England ausgegeben. Und dabei soll es mit einem gewöhnlichen Bombenanschlag nicht getan sein – stattdessen soll ein höchst gefährliches Virus zum Einsatz kommen, das die gesamte Menschheit in Gefahr bringen könnte. Agentin Alice Racine wird deshalb damit beauftragt, den Verdächtigen zu vernehmen. Doch als herauskommt, dass ihr Geheimdienst unterwandert wurde und ein Maulwurf ein tödliches Spiel zu spielen scheint, gerät sie in allerhöchste Gefahr. Fortan auf der Flucht, muss Alice versuchen herauszufinden, wer dahinter stecken könnte. Und nebenbei muss um jeden Preis auch noch ein Anschlag verhindert werden…


photo Noomi Rapace
Noomi Rapace I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Orlando Bloom
Orlando Bloom I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Toni Collette
Toni Collette I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo John Malkovich
John Malkovich I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Michael Douglas
Michael Douglas I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Matthew Marsh
Matthew Marsh I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Makram Khoury
Makram Khoury I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Brian Caspe
Brian Caspe I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Philip Brodie
Philip Brodie I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat
photo Tosin Cole
Tosin Cole I came to this movie cold, just knowing it starred Noomi Rapace who is always watchable. Playing an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following an incident in her pasta, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by the intelligence services. She adopts a different approach to her colleagues and just when you think you know how the film will play out, we learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. To say more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast on good form including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting turn from a recently underused Orlando Bloom. Former Bond director Michael Apted does a good job shooting London in a fresh light. Don't let the negative reviews put you off seeing this film and you will be in for a twisty-turny treat

Medium: Unbekannt,

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 2.35:1