Supergirl - Staffel 01 (2015)
poster Supergirl - Staffel 01
6.5/10 (90936 Stimmen)

Land:Vereinigte Staaten,


Genre(s):Action, Drama, Science-Fiction, Abenteuer

Regisseur:Jesse Warn, Glen Winter, Larry Teng, Dermott Downs, Kevin Smith


Nummer: 117

Years ago, Krypton was about to explode and Kal-El was sent to Earth to escape that fate. However, his older cousin, Kara, was also intended to accompany the infant as his protector. Unfortunately, Kara was accidentally diverted into the timeless Phantom Zone for years before finally arriving on Earth decades later and found by her cousin who had grown into Superman. Years later, Kara Danvers is a young professional adrift in a thankless job until a fateful crisis ignites a sense of purpose using Kryptonian powers she had long hidden. Inspired, Kara decides to emulate her cousin's superheroic ways, only to find her foster sister introducing her to the secret Department of Extra-Normal Operations, dedicated to fighting alien menaces including those Kara inadvertently led to Earth. Now with such help, the Maid of Might takes her place as Earth's newest champion with new friends and enemies challenging her world.


photo Melissa Benoist
Melissa Benoist Kara Danvers, 79 episodes, 2015-2019
photo Mehcad Brooks
Mehcad Brooks James Olsen, 79 episodes, 2015-2019
photo Chyler Leigh
Chyler Leigh Alex Danvers, 79 episodes, 2015-2019
photo David Harewood
David Harewood J'onn J'onzz, 79 episodes, 2015-2019
photo Jeremy Jordan
Jeremy Jordan Winn Schott, 65 episodes, 2015-2018
photo Katie McGrath
Katie McGrath Lena Luthor, 49 episodes, 2016-2019
photo Chris Wood
Chris Wood Mon-El, 45 episodes, 2016-2018
photo Calista Flockhart
Calista Flockhart Cat Grant, 26 episodes, 2015-2018
photo Floriana Lima
Floriana Lima Maggie Sawyer, 25 episodes, 2016-2017
photo Odette Annable
Odette Annable Samantha Arias, 23 episodes, 2017-2018

Medium: Unbekannt,

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 2.55:1